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发布日期:2024-06-24 05:46    点击次数:202


Why does India like to compare with China欧洲杯app, but China doesn't care about India?



E. Garcia

Just like China comparing itself to the US or a little brother comparing to his big brother. Humans are always aspirational. Most Americans don’t care about China all that much except to know that they take our manufacturing job away with their cheap labor. A lot of Europeans think of America as the little brother too in terms of social safety and benefits to citizens and so on.



It is not accurate to say that China doesn't care about India.

Actually, Chinese social media platforms are also filled with discussions about India. On Zhihu, a platfrom like Quora, there are numerous answers to questions such as whether India is rising, whether India will replace China, and what the real India is like.



During junior high school, we studied an article of Mencius, "Suffering is living, happiness is death,"(生于忧患宴安鸩毒) and the phrase "Should there not be any ministers and wise men making testimonies within the country, should there not be any enemy states and foreign aggression from outside the country, the country often perishes."(入则无法家拂士,出则无敌海外祸者,国恒一火) has left a profound impact on the minds of the Chinese people.


So as a potential strategic rival, China does not ignore India. However, given India's current performance, it indeed fails to capture too much attention and concern of ordinary Chinese people. We care more about America and Europe.


Debanik Goswami

Indians didn’t care about China . It was only after ’s anti India policy forced Indian govt to focus on competing with China on manufacturing and economic development . Indians were happily buying cheap chinese products . India is also fastest growing major economy .




China is near India and similar in population size.

And India is not stupid enough to compete with America.




Jiacheng Zhang

Because the Indians naturally bow to the strong and bully on the weak. They welcomed the Western colonization because Westerners were strong, and invaded the Southern Asia country weaker than them. They never meet one who is absolutely stronger than them but refuse their kneeling. The more we neglect them, the more they will do to attract our attention.


Yausi Tamn

the world goes round and round 80 years ago India was the richest in Asia and then Burma was the richest in Asia and later it became Japan and Hong Kong Singapore and Korea and Taiwan were beggars now they are Asian dragons even centuries ago China was richer than the whole world combined and then India its like the curves on a chart that's goes up and down , why India compares with China now , may be India is mental they envy what's in front of their eyes ,

but no matter how you compare the point is to have a great per capita income and a good society and the best quality of life and a safe nation a nation of hope , if your nation is greatly rich but your per capita income is lower than poor countries and your quality of life is worse than develo countries, then your only glory is the skyline for photographers




Abhijit Jorvekar

Since l haven't travelled to the mainland I don't know if the Chinese care about India, but be assured that Indians definitely do not care about China. One of the reason why there is lot of China related news in the media is because of the Chinese aggression on Indian land and the close bonhomie they share with Pakistan a major supporter of global terrorism. As for economic news that's generic, as a large economy China needs to get used to other people talking about their economy. As a country India is in the global market to get foreign investments in its industry to generate jobs for the world's largest and youngest population, and earn foreign currency to import primarily petroleum, and this is where it competes not only with China, but more with Vietnam and Indonesia.



Great A

Let me make my answer very, very short. Just like it’s foolishness for the US or the West to compare themselves with Pakistan, Iran, Nigeria, etc. that’s how it’s foolishness/madness for China to compare themselves with India. If China was half the size of India, they would have still done better than India. China's superiority is more of a determination and staying focused thing than the size of its population.



Leow Kam Soon

India? Forget about it!

Who cares if India is going to compare with US or Singapore?

Who cares if India going to compare with Bangladesh or Angola?

Indians talk big, action none.





Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam

China does care about India

China is often jealous of Indias celebrations, their freestyle enjoyment, dancing the Bhangra etc

In their quest to rise and develop, two whole generations of Chinese born between 1961–1991 simply didn't HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THEMSELVES

It's why when the latest generation of Chinese (2001 and later born) want to enjoy themselves, it looks so strange in China





The key takeaway is Chinese often meet the cream of Indians

In Singapore, US, London etc


Typically MBAs or such similar achievements or Young CEOs, COOs etc speaking excellent English etc

Indians who go for Business reasons mainly to Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan etc






Sadly very few Chinese come to India as tourists or to do business

So bulk of the Indians never even meet a Chinese face to face

All their inference of China and Chinese is through stereotypes and from what they read in the media or YouTube

Plus their assumption that Mizos and Manipuris and Meghalese are Chinese based on similar features





Thus to China, India is a country of colors and fun and to many Chinese - Indians are nice savvy people who speak good English and are tolerably professional

To the Indians, China is all about GDP and Papers and a bunch of statistics and a country who attacked us and who regard themselves as in the same league as the US despite once starting out with us

Neither Country is Jealous

Both Countries have a different perspective.





Bill Chen

Simply put, India needs to solve problems China already has solutions for.

This is why the CNY (blue) has diverged from the INR (orange) this century.

China’s pressing problems on the to-do list are mostly first world, and not third. By that, I mean China has first world’s solutions to aim for, or at least take pointers from.

Like it or not, China is way more advanced and developed than india today, having overtaken India since the 90s.





Peter Kaye

Of course, China cares about India, how can they not? India attacking China on their border all the time, India comparing to China? It’s called ego, the Indians are very prideful, and proud, and they hate the thought of China going ahead in leaps and bounds and they are only getting ahead at a snails pace, so being a proud nation, they don’t like it one little bit.

I’m waiting,

for all the Indians to tell me how wrong I am…..





It’s reasonable that China is targeting the US and India is targeting China. Besides, China and India have similarities in some ways such as population, long history, etc.
